Welcome to the web page for the Allen Research Group in The Materials Science and Engineering Department at the University of Florida. The Allen Research group conducts research on biomaterials, cell-material interactions, and stem cell differentiation. The focus of our work is on developing strategies to control adult stem cell differentiation for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The goal is to better understand the multiple physiological signals and interactions that elicit molecular events governing stem cell differentiation. These molecular events, include substrate properties, mechanical cues, soluble factors, and cell-cell communication ultimately control stem cell fate and are the target areas of our research.
Towards this goal, our research is focused on several key areas.
March 22, 2021
On Friday March 19, 2021 Bryan successfully defended his dissertation titled, “Engineering complex microenvironments & their applications to sex-specific mechanobiology and biomaterial development”. Bryan has been a member of the Allen Research Group for the past 4 years starting in… Read More
March 2, 2021
Congratulations MSE Undergraduate Alex Barbosa and BME Undergraduate Paxton Guerin for being accepted to the prestigious University of Florida Undergraduate Scholars Program! https://scholars.ufl.edu/